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The floral diversity is moderately rich as the landscape experiences a wide rain fall, altitude and edaphic gradients. The floral wealth has been estimated to be over that, there are 1400 taxa spread over 109 families. The ATR is having about 353 species in 88 families that are found to be medicinal properties. Dense grass occurs in 30% of the area and scattered in an additional 20%. Dominant tree species include Terminalia tomentosa, Hardwickia binata, Madhuca latifolia. Diospyros melanoxylon, Gardenia latifolia, Anogeissus latifolia, Chloroxylon swietenia, Terminalia spp.


The Tiger Reserve supports populations of several faunal species.


Over 80 species of mammals have been identified in Amrabad Tiger Reserve, Telangana. Large carnivores: Tiger, Leopard, Wild dog, and Indian Wolf, Indian fox, Small carnivores: Jungle cat, Rusty-spotted cat, Small Indian civet, and Indian palm civet, Omnivores: Sloth bear, Honeybadger, Wild boar, Herbivores: Unique species of Antelopes found Chinkara, Nilgai, Blackbuck, four-horned antelope; Antlers found spotted deer, Sambar deer; Primates found Hanuman langur, Bonnet macaque, Rhesus macaque.


Over 303 bird species have been identified in this region. Some important groups include Eagles, Pigeons, Doves, Cuckoos, Woodpeckers, Drongos, Bulbuls, Flower peckers, Grey horn bill, Sunbirds, Swifts, Kingfishers, owls, barbets, kites, minivets, partridges, mynas, thrushes, warblers, egrets. Some endemic bird species that occur here are yellow throated bulbul and winter migratory of blue rock thrush.


Approximately 54 species of reptiles have been identified in this region. Three highly venomous snakes found in this area, family of Viperidae namely Russel’s viper, Saw scaled viper, Spectacled cobra, Common krait, Indian pond terrain, Indian monitor lizard, Indian chameleon, Forest calotes, Skinks, Indian python, Keel backs, Vine snakes, Bronze back snakes, cat snakes, wolf snakes etc.


Around 20 amphibians have been identified in this area common Indian toad, narrow – mouthed frog, common tree frog, Indian pond frog, Indian burrowing frog, Indian cricket frog etc.


Among the insect groups, butterflies and moths come under a large group called Lepidoptera. About 100 species of butterflies and 57 species of moths have been found in this Tiger Reserve. Some common butterflies are danaid egg fly, lemon pansy, plain tiger, common leopard, common blue bottle, crimson rose, chocolate pansy, and common tree brown, crimson tip, Indian skimmer etc. Common moths are Antheraea paphia, Himala spp., Achaea spp., Actias spp., oak hawk-moth etc.


The insect’s diversity is the largest group in animal kingdom. Large variety of butterflies and moths are found here. Numerous species of Grasshoppers, Mantises, Beetles, Flies, Termites, and Spiders, which play an important role in ecosystem sustenance, are present.









