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Forest Fires


Forest Fire Management

The biggest threat to any wildlife sanctuary or a tiger Reserve is the fire. By engaging a large number of fire team watchers during the fire season, swift action is being taken up to mitigate the Forest fires, thereby saving a large area of the Forest and Wildlife. We have strengthened fire prevention practices and to develop a well-equipped and trained workforce to fight fires.

preventing forest fires


1. Establishment of Control Room

A single point fire control room will be established at District Office with 24 hours attending calls from the start of fire season for coordinating the fire control measures.

2. Base Camp as Rapid Action Force in the fire season

The fire watchers will be given main task of fire control in different areas and they will be located near the vulnerable areas and strategically located for better control and monitoring of forest fire. Team will be equipped with vehicle for quick mobility and equipment’s such as blower, sweeping equipment etc. for the suppression of fire.

3. Registration of all FROs and FSOs for SMS fire alert

The staff will be registered for early warning system at FSI site and also the SMS received will be shared with control centre for early coordination and control.

4. Perambulation routes in vulnerable beats in fire season

The base camp will be routed/ area of perambulation demarcated for fire season in vulnerable areas to constantly monitor forest fires and control them.

5. Creation and maintenance of Fire line

the fire lines are made to ensure that fire does not spread to large areas. Fire control mechanism by the way of creations fire lines in the fire prone forest areas. The fire line runs a stretch of 2km and above basing on the local geographical conditions at a width of 10 mts.

6. Awareness campaign in the major villages/ areas prone for fire

Awareness campaigns will be organized regarding provisions under forest act and RoFR rules regarding responsibilities and roles of public in preventing forest fires. The gram sabhas will8 be conducted to enlighten the public regarding provisions of the act. Awareness to be created on the legal provisions that are available in the Forest Act for the people who are involved in the causing of fire in all the aspects.

7. Special trainings to the staff for hands on and early approach

The staff will be given preliminary trainings regarding combating forest fires and precautions to be taken and making them prepared for the action.

8. Roping in the volunteer organizations, VSS, and other active groups of Haritha Rakshana Committee etc.

9. Wireless Communication Network

For effective protection of forest and wildlife, wireless communication network is developed at all the range headquarters.