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Plastic Free Amrabad Tiger Reserve

Plastic Free ATR

Ecosystem development for self-sustainable plastic waste management initiated in order to protect forest and wildlife. A huge quantity of plastic bottles and other waste lying from Mannanur Entrance (Before entering into forest area) to Domalpenta Range Check post. The garbage all along the route – wildlife feeding on the same in some cases plastic covers noticed in the scat of wild animals as well directly sight.

These will be severe effect on wildlife damage and change in the food habits especially of monkeys and wild boar population, so in order to protect wildlife and taken initiation of plastic free zone. Deployed seven persons for collection of waste along state highway from Mannanur to Domalpenta range.

WAREHOUSE: Established covered shed which can be turned into Recykal Point (Collection center). MACHINERY: Bailing machine for bailing plastic and cardboard

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Stage 1

Collection of Plastic Waste by Rag-pickers. A total of 13 rag-pickers are employed to collect the waste littered

Stage 2

Transport of Collected Plastic Waste to Recycle Centre at Mannaur

Stage 3

Segregation of Collected Plastic waste into PET bottles, Multi-layered Plastic, Cardboard and others. A total of 3 segregator’s along with recycling shed is provided.

Stage 4

Segregated plastic is now baled using a manual baling machine to reduce the volume of plastic to be transported.

Stage 5

After a collection of 36 bales, the baled plastic is transported to Waste recycler in Hyderabad in association with Digital platform Switcheko and ELIMA.

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4


Stage 5