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Grassland Management


Grassland Management

Grassland management is the manipulation of natural vegetation in order to achieve some predetermined goals. Grasslands are often managed to improve productivity and maximize benefits for wildlife. In any type of grassland, the suitable area is identified say of 1 Ha, the boundary is demarcated with whitewash, identify the soil fertility and the grass composition already existing on the site. The weeds, unwanted bush growth are eradicated from the site in order to ensure the required grass growth. These operations are carried out in the months of June, July where the humid atmosphere adds more potency for vigorous growth. The different types of grasslands raised in Amrabad Tiger Reserve are 

Natural Water Hole Grasslands.

The grass plots are identified at the natural waterholes like ponds, lakes, streams, rivers and rivulets.

Artificial Water Hole Grasslands.

The grass plots are identified in the artificial water sources like saucer pits, percolation tanks, check dams etc.

View Line Grasslands.

It is a special way of developing grasslands along the view lines near the main roads. As the same operations of eradicating the weeds are carried out along the view lines 20 m away from the main road, ensuring to lay few tunnels at every 100m distance apart for easy moment of wildlife.

Open Grasslands.

The grass plot site is identified in the open areas where there is much feasibility for wildlife to survive, which is away from the human habitations and biotic interference. The identified plot say of more than 2 Ha is demarcated. The weeds, unwanted bushes, shrubs, thorns, lantana and other wastes are eliminated.

Natural Water Hole Grasslands

Artificial Water Hole Grassland

View line grassland

Open Grasslands